Seven-Step Home Reset
A simple step-by-step guide to reset your home at any time of the year!
Written by Lucy Gibson
Published: February 2024
4-minute read
Today tay is the best day for a home reset. Whatever day of the week, month or year, there is no better day for a home reset than today! Want to find out how you can go from mess to success in only seven steps?
The very first accomplishment of your day.
Create a habit to make your bed every single day. Every. Single. Day.
Not only will it help create a healthier home and more cosy and welcoming bedroom but it will also give you an instant boost of encouragement to tackle all the other tasks of your day.
Still doubting that something that small can make such a difference? Go ahead and take a before/after photo of your bedroom and see the difference it makes when you simply make the bed.
Go ahead, you've got this!
Sometimes we don't realise the amount of rubbish we scatter around the house. Empty cans, bottles, small bits of paper, empty shopping bags, a half-eaten chocolate bar, etc.
Go around your home simply looking for the obvious rubbish and get rid of it. When you're done, ensure to clear all the rubbish bins as well, taking them outside.
Ideally, on a regular basis, all rubbish should already be disposed of immediately - don't leave any rubbish sitting on your coffee table or behind the sofa. If needed, have some spare small rubbish bins in the areas you tend to need the most, such as in your bedroom next to your make up station, for example or under your office desk.
It can make a world of a difference!
As they say out there, family and friends may not always be there for you when you need them, but dishes, oh boy, dishes will always be there for you! So make sure you get them done on a daily basis.
Here's something I learned over time:
No dishwasher in your house? No problem! Keep only the necessary number of dishes you need on a regular basis and try to wash them as soon as you're done using them. This will not only prevent debris from sticking to it when it dries, making the task incredibly more difficult, but will always ensure you have clean dishes for your next meal.
No time at all to wash your dishes as you go? Let them soak in soapy water, this way it will be much easier to wash them! (I usually do this with pots and pans whenever needed!)
Got a dishwasher? Make sure to rinse your dishes, removing all the debris before putting them in the dishwasher. Try to set your dishwasher to run at night and unload it in the morning for a great start to your day - remember you can set it to run a half-load cycle in case it's not full!
Just like dishes, laundry will always be there for you…!
So the best thing is to create the habit of doing them regularly to avoid piling up.
One tip I usually give my clients is to downsize the clothes hamper to one that is already similar to a full load of laundry. This way, a full hamper will signalise that it is time to do the laundry as it meets exactly the capacity of your laundry machine.
I find this way much easier as I don't need to stick to any schedule or a set laundry routine and I can easily get them done as the hamper fills up on the go.
This, of course, also allows me to always have space to air dry my clothes, saving me not only lots in electricity (as I don't use the drying cycle) and as a bonus it also preserves my clothes and textiles for much longer!
This is probably one of the most important and challenging steps of all. Our space is limited and there's only so much one can comfortably fit in a space, so decluttering is going to prepared you for the next step.
To keep only what is meaningful to you and that serves a true purpose in your life. Asking "Does this spark joy?" as some organising experts may preach could potentially be a trap (believe me, I have fallen for that before!).
And don't be afraid of the "just in case" items...One easy way to go about them is to check how much they would cost to buy in case you actually needed them in your life. If it's easy to find and is affordable, then by all means do give them away! Or perhaps you have a friend or family member who could lend them to you should you need them in the long run. Remember that reconquering space and your peace of mind are worth much more than holding on to these "just in case" items for years and years!
You're probably asking yourself: "How can I find a home for everything if my storage spaces are all bursting at the seams?!"
Well, this means you have to go back to step #5!
Finding a home for everything can be challenging, especially for those items that feel so random in your home life! However, ensuring everything has a home will create a natural tidying up flow, as nothing will need to just sit around random places in the house because they have nowhere to go.
Wondering how you can designate a home for everything?
One item at a time, ask yourself: "Where would I look for it first?". Listen to yourself and take it there. Your natural instinct will ensure you always remember where it is as you were the one who intuitively chose the location.
So the feeling of overwhelm hit you hard and now you are just left feeling hopeless and frustrated because covering all the steps above just feels too much for you?
This is a good sign that you need professional help… And that is exactly what I'm here for!
Get in touch today and let's find the best way for us to work together so you can finally reduce waste, regain time and reconquer your space!