A Montessori-inspired home guide

How to turn your home into an inspiring and empowering space for you and your little one(s)

Written by Lucy Gibson

Published: March 2024

4-minute read

What if I told you any home can become a Montessori-inspired home and, what’s even better, you can do this on a budget? It’s more about how we can create inspiring and encouraging spaces in your home and less about buying wooden and other “educational toys” from online retailers. Real learning comes from exploring the environment and its endless possibilities! Are you ready to take a look at some precious tips to get you started?

What does a Montessori-inspired home look like?

What does a Montessori-inspired home feel like?

What does the adult do in a Montessori-inspired home?

As you can see, a Montessori-inspired home can be anyone’s reality, whether your budget is rather generous or a bit tight. It’s the invaluable time, observation and understanding of your little one’s needs and developmental stage that will turn your regular loving home into a Montessori-inspired home.

The best part is that the entire family benefits from this process, so why not start today?

If you’re looking for more information and guidance on how to turn your place into a Montessori-inspired home, then drop me a message here or send an email to lucy@positivelysimple.uk. I’m here for you, wherever you are!

Let’s create positively simple spaces together!